Welcome To The Glorious Tuga

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Welcome To The Glorious Tuga

Francesca Segal

368 pages

Sail to the tropical paradise where secrets don't stay hidden for long ...

Passionate about conservation and fleeing an argument with her mother, newly qualified London vet Charlotte Walker has taken up a fellowship on the tiny South Atlantic island of Tuga de Oro to study the endangered gold coin tortoises in the jungle interior. She can claim the best of reasons for this year in paradiseโ€”What better motivation than to save a species?โ€”but the reality is more complex. For Charlotte has secretly come to believe that she has her own connection to this remote and eccentric community, and she is finally determined to solve the mystery that has dominated her life.

But she will have little time for any of her declared or covert investigations. She is inconveniently attracted to the new island doctor. And not only do Tugaโ€™s tortoises need attention but so too do the islandโ€™s dogs, goats, and donkeysโ€”not to mention the islanders themselves, determined to win Charlotte over with cake and homemade jam until she relents and becomes vet to all their animals.

#wttgtreadalong, #tandemreadalong

โ€œI fell in love with the characters on this charming and idyllic fictional island. The tropical island setting makes this the perfect summer vacation read!"

Julianna, Campaign manager


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Julianna Jones

Julianna is a book loving freelancer based in North Carolina, USA. She loves building community with other book lovers and can be found curling up with a cup of coffee and a fantasy novel in her free time.


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