John Grisham Marathon

Camino Island

John Grisham

320 pages

Camino Winds

John Grisham

304 pages

Camino Ghosts

John Grisham

304 pages

Camino Island Community Landing Page

Someone is about to make a killing

The most daring and devastating heist in literary history targets a high security vault located deep beneath Princeton University.

Valued at $25 million (though some would say priceless) the five manuscripts of F Scott Fitzgerald's only novels are amongst the most valuable in the world. After an initial flurry of arrests, both they and the ruthless gang of thieves who took them have vanished without trace.

Now it falls to struggling writer Mercer Mann to crack a case that has thwarted the FBI's finest minds.

#caminoislandreadalong, #tandemcollective

โ€œCamino Island is a super punchy, espionage themed book set in the lucrative world of rare bookselling! It left me dreaming of my own writer's retreat to Santa Rosa.โ€

Question Cards

When Hurricane Leo threatens Florida's Camino Island, the Governor is quick to issue an evacuation order. Most residents flee but a small group of diehards decide to ride it out. Amongst them is Bruce Cable, proprietor of Bay Books in downtown Santa Rosa.

The hurricane is devastating: homes and condos are levelled, hotels and storefronts ruined, streets flooded, and a dozen people are killed. One of the victims is Nelson Kerr, a friend of Bruce's who wrote timely political thrillers. But evidence suggests that the storm wasn't the cause of Nelson's death - he had received several mysterious blows to the head.

Who would want Nelson dead? The local police are overwhelmed with the aftermath of the storm and in no condition to handle the case. Bruce begins to wonder if the shady characters in Nelson's novels were more fact than fiction. And somewhere on Nelson's computer is the manuscript of his new novel - could the key to the case be right there, in black and white? Bruce starts to look into it and what he finds between the lines is more shocking than any of Nelson's plot twists - and far more dangerous.

#caminowindsreadalong, #tandemcollective

Question Cards

Dark Isle off the Florida coast is said to be cursed: drownings, disappearances and hauntings have been the fate of intruders. The people who lived there were once enslaved. Now abandoned, it is the target of greedy developers.

Lovely Jackson is the last survivor and claims to be its legal owner. But there is not a shred of evidence to prove that is true.

It's unlikely that the developers will be deterred by the claims of one old woman. They have millions; Lovely only has Steve Mahon, a pro bono environmental lawyer, and Mercer Mann, a floundering novelist, to fight in her corner.

With the court case looming and the bulldozers waiting to roll in, Steve and Mercer are in a race against time to unearth the truth behind Lovely's story and save the legacy of the island.

#caminoghostsreadalong, #tandemreadalong

Question Cards

All questions and creative challenges are subject to copyright - Tandem Collective 2024


Wild Love


The Curse Of Sins