It’s the month of Taurus; five titles to connect with these misunderstood creatures of habit…

It’s fair to say that Taurus is easily the most misunderstood star sign. We often associate people born under the sign of “the bull” as being fiery, inflexible and quick tempered. While this can indeed be true (make no mistake, Taureans are stubborn so-and-so's when they want to be) , they are often  gentle souls who think deeply, love fiercely and are incredibly loyal to their inner circle. With Taureans, if they say they will be there for you, they mean it, and their reliability should not be taken for granted. Adele, George Clooney and the late Queen Elizabeth II are just a few household names all born under the sign of the bull, which gives you an idea of their steadfast, often protective nature when it comes to their own personal relationships. While their stubborn streak can make them difficult to argue with,  their extensive list of positive traits make Taureans devoted friends and partners who are trustworthy, affectionate and reliable.

With that in mind, we’ve curated a list of 5 titles that embody the dependable and committed qualities of a Taurus;

Asking For A Friend by Kerry Clare
Spanning 2 decades, this poignant and heartfelt novel from Kerry Clare explores the complex yet enduring friendship between Jess and Clara, two friends who meet during university days. Following both women as they face challenges in life and their own complicated journeys into motherhood, this is a novel that perfectly encapsulates the unwavering loyalty of a Taurus to those who matter.


Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Taureans are known to make great listeners and there can surely be no better friend or listener than a faithful dog. The lasting friendship between Elizabeth Zott and her devoted, highly intelligent companion Six Thirty is one of the most endearing depictions of friendship we’ve read, and Zott’s refusal to be defeated by the patriarchy showcases classic determined Taurus energy down to at.


Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman unpicks the mechanics behind human decision making with his eye-opening Thinking, Fast and Slow. Kahneman explores the two ways that humans make choices: fast, intuitive thinking, and slow, rational thinking. It has to be said that our beloved Taureans can be both impulsive and emotionally-charged, so this fascinating and practical non fiction is an opportunity for us to all improve the way we approach decision-making.


The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett
The second novel from American author Britt Bennett, The Vanishing Half is a thought-provoking family story about twin sisters, Desiree and Stella, who leave their volatile hometown, split up and go on to lead entirely separate lives. With viewpoints from both sisters about their respective experiences, the novel beautifully explores how past decision-making influences and shapes the future while tackling important themes such as colourism, racial identity and white privilege


Julia by Sandra Newman

A powerful re-telling of the Goerge Orwell classic, Sandra Newman’s novel Julia offers an alternative feminist narrative to 1984. Not for the faint-hearted, this intense and visceral exploration of what life would have been like for women during the setting of 1984, spearheaded by a loveable female protagonist, feels an appropriate title to recommend when we think about strong-willed and deep-thinking Taurus personalities.


Stay tuned for more star-sign signposting to your next favourite book!


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