Waking Up Anna O: Companion Podcasts with HarperCollins UK

For the โ€˜hottest thrillerโ€™ of the year from HarperCollins UK, we celebrated loudly for six months. 

We produced not only a 100-person readalong complete with case notes of our main character, letters and NDAโ€™s from the Ministry of Justice, emails from characters, and other in-world replica items, we also produced a five-episode podcast series which included deep-dives into the research behind Resignation Syndrome and Matthew Blakeโ€™s writing around it. 

In this pre-promotion campaign, we lead a completely unique readalong which involved pitting 100 readers against each other - were they #TeamAsleep or #TeamAwake? We had each creator receiving a bespoke send-out package, either caffeine-charged or lullaby-laden. We saw them battle it out across IG & TT to fight their corner - posting sister graphics to โ€˜cast their jury voteโ€™ on the fate of Anna Ogilvy. 

Our readalong campaign brought in 12.75% engagement alone, which is 3 x the average Instagram campaign. There were 264 feed posts created, and shared to a collective follower count of just over 266k accounts.

In the last three months of the promotional campaign, I hosted a โ€˜true-crimeโ€™ podcast alongside interviewing author Matthew Blake, and some of the biggest supporters of the book across IG & TT. 

With our built-in superfan audience of readalongโ€™ers, we had the perfect launch moment for our podcast which acted as a companion to the novel, for those who love falling down their research rabbit holes, but also a transitory media point of note for true-crime podcast fans who might have an interest in adjacent fiction. 

We also had targeted social promotion, and influencer backing, to support Kindle Daily Deals, World Sleep Day, Publication Day and more. 

This is our second experiential podcast to date, with Lisa being the first, and featured: 

  • 5 x episodes, entirely produced by the team at Tandem Collective 

  • 2 x exclusive audio extracts, as introductions to our main characters 

  • 5 x creator interviews and quotes, incl. booksellers

  • 2 x episodes with Matthew, on concept, research, and writing

This podcast, alongside the campaign, led to Anna O being: 

No.1 bestselling Audiobook on Apple for 2 weeks 

No. 1 bestselling Audiobook on Amazon, in Medical Thrillers

No. 1 Kindle bestseller

You can listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and ACast.

If youโ€™d like to get in touch regarding an audio project of your own, please do email lex@thetandemcollective.com


An Author-Focused TikTok House: The FIRST of its kindโ€ฆ


The School Reunion:  Competitive Readalong