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Books To Spark Conversation With Your Kids

If you’ve ever read a book to or with your child, you’ll know you often need to factor in some chatting time. Those mid-book conversations can be absolute magic; low-pressure, intimate opportunities to talk things through, to teach, to learn together, and to examine thoughts and feelings that we - as adults - often don’t give ourselves the time or opportunity to examine. Whether you’re in the snuggly, sitting on lap and sharing a picture book phase or the ‘pass them the book and watch as the bedroom door closes in your face’ era, we’ve gathered together some of our favourite titles to share with your child which may open up some interesting and valuable conversations. I haven’t included age recommendations, as actually these titles are suitable for adults just as much as they are suitable for children; you’re never too old to have a chat with your inner child (and there’s no shame in enjoying some beautiful illustrations at the same time!)

Which book have you found most helpful in opening up conversations with your little (or big) people? Share your recommendations down below!